Annual Reports

Present all your company's important information in one sleek report

An annual report is a comprehensive report on a company's activities throughout the previous year. Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company's activities and financial performance.

Typically annual reports will include: chairman's report, CEO's report, auditor's report, mission statement, corporate governance statement as well as financial statements covering income, cashflow, accounting policies etc.
Using the latest printing equipment we provide accurate, high-quality printing of your Report.

tick-box20px Many binding options to choose from - see below  tick-box20pxFast turnaround
tick-box20px Clear front cover and textured back cover for a professional look
tick-box20pxLarge or small format  tick-box20px Short or long runs

Other information deemed relevant to stakeholders may be included, such as a report on operations for manufacturing firms or corporate social responsibility reports for companies with environmentally- or socially-sensitive operations. In the case of larger companies, it is usually a sleek, colourful, high gloss publication that has been designed with flair and printed to a high quality standard. That’s where we can help!

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Find the binding style that suits you best

The following outlines several different styles of binding for you to consider and choose from.

You will see the following details on each style of finishing to help you choose what is best for the end user application of your catalogue.


Perfect Binding

Perfect-Binding-300x214pxPerfect bounds books are the perfect bind. Perfect bound books are made up of stacked pages. These are gathered into a book and the edges of the spine are ground off (or notched). When the book block is glued into a paper cover, the glue that attaches the sheets to the spine can flow into the notches or ground-off areas. The increased surface area for the glue allows for more permanent adhesion. The covers and book blocks are then trimmed flush.

Perfect-bound books are square at the spine and use glue to hold the pages, like a paperback book. It gives your books a more professional feel. It can accommodate a page count up to 640 pages (340 leaves 80gsm).

Another big advantage of the perfect bind is that you can also have information printed on the spine.


  What Does A Perfect Bound Book Look Like - click here to view on YouTube.  

Saddle Stitch

saddle-stitch-300x188pxSaddle stitch booklet catalogue is suitable for 8pp (pages) to 100pp (pages). Finished size is normally A4 or A5 when closed, although custom sizes are also available.  This style of catalogue typically has a heavier weight cover (200-300gsm) and content pages (80-150gsm) however some are the same weight throughout.

Saddle stitched is two staples inserted in the spine and folded in half to form a booklet.

This is the most economical method of finishing for a catalogue.

Square Fold Saddle Stitched

sqaure-fold-saddle-stitch300x300pxThis is a smart new look for full colour books. The square fold produces creased cover sheets, and face trimming to create crisp, sharp square spine booklets that can be opened flat and are easy to handle, stack and store.

Plastic Spiral Binding

Plastic-comb-binding300x300pxThis binding method is good for technical manuals that have a lot of pages and must lie flat. The stack of pages comprising the book is punched with a series of holes along the binding edge through which a plastic comb is inserted.  

Plastic comb binding can accommodate a page count for circle ring of 500 pages (250 leaves), oval ring of 900 pages (450 leaves). Pages can be added or removed as needed. Available in a wide range of colours.

Wire Binding 

Wire-Binding-300x300pxWire bound catalogue—Wire binding is one of the most popular commercial catalogue binding methods used and is known by a number of different names including twin loop wire, Wire-o, double loop wire, double-o, ring wire and wirebind. With this binding method, the punched pages go onto a "C" shaped spine and then a wire closer is used to squeeze the spine until it is round. Documents that are bound with wire binding will open completely flat on a desk and allow for 360 degree rotation of bound pages.

There are two common hole patterns used in binding documents with double loop wire. Each hole pattern has specific sizes and applications where it is best suited. Here is a quick overview of the different options.

3:1 pitch (3 holes per 25mm) Up to 120 80gsm leaves – 240 pages

The three to one pitch hole pattern is most commonly used for binding small sized documents with double loop wire. Spines for this binding style are available in sizes between 4.8mm and 14mm in diameter. Three to one pitch wires are not available in sizes larger than 14mm. The size of the holes used with this pattern simply does not allow for larger spines to be manufactured.

2:1 pitch (2 holes per inch) Up to 240 80gsm leaves – 480 pages

Although a two to one pitch hole pattern is most commonly used for binding larger sized documents it can also be used for binding smaller diameter books. Two to one pitch wire is most commonly used in sizes ranging from 15.9 mm up to 32mm. However, we can use special small sized 2:1 pitch wire for binding documents as small as 6.4mm. 


  What Does A Wire Bound Book Look Like - click here to view on YouTube.  

Wire Binding with a Printed Spine

Wire-Binding-with-printed-spine300x300pxThis method of wire binding allows for a spine making the catalogue easy to identify when lying in a stack or in a book shelf. Wire is a traditional 3:1 and 2:1 pitch wire binding option. Available in a wide variety of colours, wire binding gives all your bound documents a classic look. 

It can accommodate a page count for 3:1 wire of 240 pages (120 leaves), 2:1 wire of 480 pages (240 leaves)

Ring Binder

Ring-Binder300x300pxRing binder catalogues are very useful for operational manuals or any type of manual or catalogue that is going to be updated. Pages can be easily removed and replaced. Inside pockets, 2, 3, or 4 ring binders are available.

Another popular option to consider when using ring binders is tabs that are used to separate topic sections. Tabs make it easy to find the right information in a ring binder quickly.

Contact us to discuss the benefits of printing your Annual Report with us. Today!




Tab-300x300pxWhen combined with tabs the binding methods above produce an easy to use manual.

Contact us to discuss the binding options for you. Today!  




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